Shiro Tanaka is a biostatistician and his current position is Professor of Clinical Biostatistics at Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University. He has experience as a trial statistician in translational research at Kyoto University Hospital and in nationwide clinical trials in pediatric cancer and osteoporosis as well, and in the current position he has been teaching courses on clinical trials and data management. He also has served as Advisory Expert for the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency, Councilor for Japanese Society for Pharmacoepidemiology and Japan Society of Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition, and as a member of multiple editorial boards. Added to professional experience in clinical trials, his primary research interests are to develop and improve statistical methods in epidemiology and their applications to pharmacoepidemiology and nutritional epidemiology. He co-authored more than 200 original articles.

I finished a doctorate in biostatistics at University of Tokyo in 2008, with two close friends.

A photo when I was a student.

Collaborated works with Professor Teramukai and Yoshimura when I worked at Kyoto University Hospital.

With Professor Kawakami, our colleagues and our students at Department of Pharmacoepidemiology.
I'm teaching biostatistics at Kyoto University School of Public Health since 2012.